
  • Employment

  • Senior Engineer

    ams-OSRAM AG | Jan 2022 - Mar 2022 | Part-time
    • Regression Management
    • Process Improvement, Definition and Automation
    • Tool Support
  • Graduate Engineer

    ams AG | Jul 2020 - Jan 2022 | Part-time, Full-time
    • Regression Management
    • Process Improvement, Definition and Automation
    • Tool Support
    • Providing scripting services
  • Junior Engineer

    ams AG | Feb 2018 - Jul 2020 | Part-time, Full-time
    • Requirements Management
    • Developing scripts for Design Verification
  • Internship

    ams AG | Jul 2017 - Sep 2017
    • Requirements Management
    • Developing templates and documents with the ReqIF Standard
    • Eclipse Plugin Development for ReqIF
  • Internship

    Maxim Integrated | Jul 2016 - Sep 2016
    • Embedded Firmware Test System
    • SW GUI for Keyless-Go Receiver
    • Maintain Equipment Database
  • Education

  • Information and Computer Engineering

    Graz University of Technology | MSc | Sep 2019 - Sep 2022
    • Major: Internet of Things
    • Minor: Embedded and Automotive Systems
  • Erasmus

    University of Patras | Feb 2021 - Jun 2021
  • Computer Science

    Graz University of Technology | BSc | Oct 2015 - Jun 2019
  • Projects

  • Fitree

    Fitness | Tracking | Data Visualization

    Fitree is a fitness tracker for Weight - Lifting. During my sports career, I became aware, comparison is a thief of joy, but how would I see my personal progress then?

    Fitree helps me to evaluate my fitness growth, by tracking my workouts and providing comparison features. But only with myself.

  • Senf

    Productivity | Workspace Management

    Senf is an acronym for Student Environment. With this collection of scripts, I create the workspaces for my semesters at university and the courses. The tool enables me to make certain tasks from the command-line easier, like copying multiple files to my currently enabled workspace.

  • Tech Stack

    • Python, Shell, C, C++, HTML, JS
    • Flask, Jinja2, W3.CSS
    • git, svn, Jenkins, Docker, NGINX, MongoDB
    • Rest API, CI/CD