
This blog enables me to maintain a personal Knowledge Database, easily hosted via Github Pages.


  • 2022-02-26 - The pyproject.toml File

    Over the years, the setup.py added a multitude of issues with the build system of python. setuptools tried to fix such issues, however it became dominant and any project not using it had it as dependency in the end, because any requirements may have used it.

    To my understanding, the setup.cfg file is a configuration file defined by the setuptools project. An example can be found at Setuptools-Configuration. PEP-518 aimed to remove this issue, by creating a defined file format, which could be used by any other packaging tool, like flutter or poetry. With regards to setuptools compatibility, in Setuptools-Issue_Setup_cfg was discussed how to change to the standardized approach.

    pyproject.toml is similar to the non-officially standardized setup.cfg file, trying to resolve several issues of the ini file format used. In the original PEP, reasoning is given, why the file defined by the setuptools is not suitable for packaging.

  • 2022-02-24 - Hello, World!

    As tradition enforces: Hello, World!